

Just in time for our first warm day in a while, today's Star Tribune had an ad from the Universal Media Syndicate for something called Mira-Cool. Small Room Portable Air Conditioner - Computer Room Portable Air Conditioners. Small Room Portable Air Conditioner information. Keeps you cool for just pennies, so leave it on all day long and never be hot again. You can buy a decent small window air conditioner for as little as $140, as we found in our July 2009 report on air conditioning (available to subscribers). Plasma Cool is the most powerful portable air conditioner you can get on a household circuit! Find the Perfect Product. Unsure of what cooling capacity and BTU is best for your home? This page is about how energy things work and focuses on How Does an Air Conditioner Work? Once summer begins you might uncover that inside temperatures inside your house will most likely also increase. Compare air conditioners prices and read user reviews. com-- Pure Energy Systems Wiki: Finding and facilitating breakthrough clean energy technologies.

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